Thursday, February 21, 2019

Evaluasi Pakan Ternak Sapi Potong

Sharing Maret 2017

Evaluation feed ration Questions

1                     what time feeeding frequency is right ?
We tell farmers to feed up to 4 times per day, because otherwise they leave the cow for long periods without feed. When the cow is not able to eat for long periods, this means that they are not eating as much as they can or as much as they want to. Therefore, their ADG is lower than potential.
The best thing to do is to make sure that the cows have feed in front of them 23 hours per day, out of 24. Keep giving them good quality food, and they will grow faster. If they spend time without good food, then they grow slower. It is up to you how fast you want them to grow.
If you give lots of low quality feed (jerami padi, jerami jagung), then the cow will probably have lots of feed in front of them all day, but not because they have eaten a lot, but because they don’t like to eat it!
2                     What parameters are measured to evaluate of feed, another Feed intake and ADG
ME/kg DM; CP/kg DM; NDF (Neutral detergent fibre) – but NDF is not always available.
3                     Please give suggestion, if feed intake not achieved
1)      Reduce the % of fibre in the diet; 2) make sure there is adequate protein – with low protein intake will be decreased; 3) make sure there is adequate phosphorus in the diet

4            Please give suggestion, if ADG not achieved
Same as for feed intake above, but check that total requirement of ME and CP per day is being met. Maybe there is just not enough feed on offer.

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